Today, I had the pleasure to discover a very interesting page TYPOWRO.PL which focuses on interesting places and people of Wroclaw. One of the articles I found there talks about the Vinci Power Nap Cafe in Wroclaw. It seems like we all need a good Nap to carry on with the day.
I remember one of my flights from Warsaw to Sydney with a stopover in Dubai. It was supposed to be a 2hour break between flights, but changed into a 9 hour long wait. I was exhausted after the first part of the journey, travelling on my own and almost falling asleep on the chair. Back then, the sleep capsule was my saviour. You can hire the capsule and pay by the hour. I got a chance to recharge my batteries and hit the airport again for a 15hour flight. So, thinking about it we all need to have a place to be able to stop, recharge and restart.
Vinci Power Nap in Wroclaw is the first Cafe in Poland and in the world, which operates in Wrocław. This place was created thanks to Magdalena Filcek, a designer, an interior architect; an artist, and also a scientist, visionary and an inventor.
It is a place which gives you a rare opportunity to take a nap in the centre of the city and regain the strength, calm your senses, let them breathe and regenerate.
And it is not an ordinary nap. You do not get a bed, you simply nap in a moving swing in a “zero gravity position” – a position that your body naturally takes when there is no gravity. Just like astronauts in space, NASA did their research and it turns out that it is perfect for our body, reduces stress, prevents headaches and muscular tension . In addition, it also helps in insomnia and depression.
Only 3 steps. Take off your shoes, wear socks (you get them onsite) and turn off your phone.
The owner of the cafe wants to see her Power Nap rooms opening in places like: business centres, airports, schools, hospitals. All the spots where people need to get some rest to be able to go ahead with the stressful day and regain the energy.
I feel like this idea is something today’s society really needs. Sometimes a 20min nap gives you more than a coffee. All business owners should think of this cafe as a reset button for their hardworking employees – where they can recharge the batteries and then work more effectively.
Great Idea! Good job Magdalena Filcek!
VINCI FIT ART , Wrocław, Sukiennice 1/2 m.5
PHONE: +48 608 733 757
I wish there was KICK IN THE ASS place for those with no motivation to work. Perhaps, then the customer service would improve in Wroclaw ;P