8 May 2019
Miquel Garau Ginard – Spanish Expat cleaning Poznan
14 May 2019

The prevention of Tooth Decay Program for Primary School Students in Wroclaw

I love catching up with the news from Wroclaw and the neighborhood.

Today, I bumped into the article about the above project run by the city council for our kids. 

Prevention of tooth decay program” is carried out in dental offices in five Wrocław schools. From June 2019, five more branches will join the campaign.

The program is financed from the city budget and implemented in Wroclaw institutions, whose aim is to reduce the occurrence of tooth decay in primary school pupils through educational, preventive and curative activities. This project is aimed at students aged 6-15 years.

The decay of milk teeth is spreading very fast. If it’s not treated right away, it can attack milkteeth one by one, which can also move towards the newly emerging permanent teeth.

The problem is big, and we have to educate parents all the time, so they keep an eye on it and do not underestimate the issue. Some may think that MILK TEETH will fall out and the problem will disappear – well, this is a myth! 

As the article states, the solution to this problem is REGULAR DENTAL CHECK-UPSat the dentists. They are professionals and will notice straight away any changes, which will be treated in a painless way. 

I believe it is all up to the parents to educate their children in this subject. You are their teacher at home so think of getting them used to the healthy habits from an early age. 

Frankly, we all should think of preventive measures before the first symptoms arise. 

School Dental clinics offering the program:

  • Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny nr 17, ul. Wieczysta 105 (Tue 8-12 Wed 14-16 Thu 8-12)
  • Szkoła Podstawowa nr 83, ul. Boya –Żeleńskiego 32, Dentist’s office at ul. Syrokomli 1, 51-141 Wrocław 

Additional info : http://romadent.pl/


  • Szkoła Podstawowa nr 85, ul. Traugutta 37,
  • Zespół Szkół nr 6 /Szkoła Podstawowa Integracyjna 103 ul. Nowodworska 70,
  • Zespół Szkolno–Przedszkolny nr 1, ul. Zemska 16c.

Program available from June 2019 in:

  • Szkoła Podstawowa nr 74, ul. Kleczkowska 2,
  • Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny nr 3, ul. Inflancka 13,
  • Szkoła Podstawowa nr 68, ul. Szczęśliwa 28,
  • Szkoła Podstawowa nr 77, ul. Św. Jerzego 4,
  • Szkoła Podstawowa nr 97 (Zespół Szkół nr 7), ul. Pawłowa 15.

Preventive treatments carried out within the Program:

  • Dental examination of oral cavity 
  • Stabilisation of dental caries,
  • Sealing of permanent teeth: upper and lower first molars (“sixes”),
  • Sealing of permanent teeth: upper and lower first and second premolars (“Fives”, “fours”),
  • Sealing of permanent teeth: upper and lower second molars (“sevens”),
  • Treatment of “carious” caries in molar permanent teeth.

In 2019, the program will cover 4750 students, and it will cost the city PLN 843,535.

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