Interviewed by Gazeta Wroclawska
21 June 2018
Kids Winter Break
29 January 2019

Expats Checklist – 60 days Prior Moving + Template

Hi Expats

Time flies and we are back to work. We hope your holidays were great and you are ready to your new life in #Poland. #Relocation to a new country was never easy to do but here is a very useful tip which I know, will help you in your new #expat life in #Wroclaw or Poland. Actually you could use it any time you are planing to move to a new place.

These recommendations are based on our Experience and we would have definitely paid for it before we have started our adventure around the world. It would have reduced the number of headaches, only with a Power of Attorney in advance before we left our hometowns.


Remember to ask your doctorsvet (in case of pets) and dentist for copies of yours, your families and your pets’ medical records.
It would be a great idea to organise a final check up for you, your family and your pets.
Check all insurance policies and organise your visas if you need to.
Contact the post office to set up their mail re-routing service.
Prepare a power of attorney. Make sure you have certified copies of all important
documents ready to hand over to the person you will be leaving in charge of your affairs while you are away.
Take the chance and have a hard copy of such documents already apostilled for yourself ready to travel with you.
Make a checklist of all packing boxes and what will go in each one.
Contact your bank and explain that you are moving abroad. If you already have your new address, give
them this otherwise change the address to a friend or family member for the short-term or online mailing. If they are unable to offer
a global account you will need to open a new one in Poland.
Set up internet banking – as you will need to manage your money online while you are away. If your bank
does not have internet banking facilities you should consider changing banks (you will find most banks now have internet banking facilities).
Organise the cancellation of all magazine and newspaper subscriptions or regular deliveries you receive on the day you will be leaving.

You can download this check-list CheckList- 60 days before moving to Poland

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